
Uruguay’s Symbolic Hug

One of the most important projects in Uruguay is “Claves,” which has the vision of a good and safe life for children. The program unifies people who wish to transform young lives and protect human rights for young people.

The team in Uruguay has written:

On October 21, Youth for Christ in Uruguay did a symbolic hug to the Legislative Palace – a powerful gesture at an opportune time. The Palace represents our democracy and we believe that democracy and good treatment for children should always be together.

On the other hand, legislators are defining the national budget.

It is clear that our country does not have unlimited resources to support all needs. In this context, when they have to define the destination of resources, our desire as citizens is to prioritise children, ensuring full enjoyment of their rights. That is our commitment and our daily prayer.

See a video of YFC Uruguay’s ‘symbolic hug’ above:

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